
Monday, April 28, 2008

Spam Heads

You should go check out SpamHeads because it has awesome painted sculpey heads like this picture of Hemad Kloss. My uncle Steve made this blog, and he gets the names of his heads from Spam. We like to put limericks about the head in his blog comments. There are humans and aliens and robots and cyclopses. Really take a look at his blog.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


"Happy Chinese New Year," from the dragon....................................................ROAR..................

The Alligator

The guy in the cape with two pistols and a vest is the captain of The Alligator. The guy with the long gun is the first mate. The captain's name is Breaking Bones and his first mate's name is Soul Keeper.

They are standing on the crow's nest of the ship. There is also some bones on the crow's nest. They have used the bones to try to make another skeleton for their crew. Right now they only have five crew. They can use bones and magic to make more crew. The difference between ghouls and skeletons is that ghouls have skin on them and skeletons don't. Two ghouls and two skeletons and one human are on The Alligator. The captain is a ghoul and the first mate is a skeleton and both of them have one ghoul or skeleton warrior that will follow them wherever they go.

The ship is called The Alligator because all the cannon balls on ship are shaped like an alligator. They have six alligator cannon balls on board and they have some scorpions that can bite as fierce as an alligator. It is a great ship, but very small. How they win is by shooting the alligator canon balls or scorpions onto the other ships. They come alive whenever they get shot from the cannons.

The Alligator is very powerful and magical.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Offen the Basketball Player

This is a great basketball player. He has a stamp and a trophy for basketball. None of the other basketball teams in his country can beat his team because it is filled with the very best players. He is a teenager around 17. He really likes stripes. He is a good listener and good at math. He wants to become a basketball coach one day. He needs to learn how to play the game before he can coach. He is great at offense but he mainly does do defense. When he does offense he can usually score around 50 points. He is 15 feet and 7 inches tall which is taller then the basketball hoop. His name is Offen.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Colossal Monsters

This is one of the colossal monsters that lives in the deep ocean where they can't find the bottom. He eats other things that live in the deep. It is a Gombarimam. This monster is 2,000 feet and lives on a cold water jet. Right in the center is a weak spot that shines up. And when it is shining the Gombarimam is vulnerable to anyone.

This is another colossal giant that lives on Mount Olympus. He has a great electrical ring. He used to be a human but the great god Zeus made him into this creature. He fouly pushed someone in the Olympic armor race. The name of him is Gruumhadum. He sometimes turns off his electrical ring and lets his friends get powered up. But for some other people who go to Mount Olympus he doesn't power them up and sometimes they can lose. He is 10,000 feet tall.

This is a colossal squad fish. It mainly goes in groups. Those groups are usually groups of ten. You may not see them because they are too far deep for you to hold your breath long enough. If they come up to shore you might see them. They have very spiky sides. Otherwise they are smooth. They usually try to attack big fish like sharks and whales. They often times try to avoid Gombarimams. They try to hide little fish from the sharks in their spikes. Their spikes can be smoothed out like wings to hide little fish. The smallest they can get is 20 feet. The largest they can get is 100 feet.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I made this loom weaving on January 29, 2008. A Tuesday. It was a snow day when there was no school.

The loom's name is Toom.
It has the power to shape shift colors. And it can even make different lines of weaving worlds together. It has floppy hair and flippy toes to flap around and make great lines.

The colors are so nice that it can make people come to visit it more times than they can count. Toom can make people want it so much that they might want to steal it they like it so much.

I am going to make a wrist band of Toom.

The Groom

This is The Groom Fortress with an Orc warrior and two servants. They defend the Fortress when the King is gone.

The King isn't at his Fortress now. He is at his little town eating grapes. Purple juicy grapes. And very red tomatoes. And even a roasted pig. And maybe a few leaves. And maybe, if he can swallow it, a few spiked weapons. Everything he can find.

The two servants can push the boulders off on to people and horses if they need to. The boulders are flaming rocks with letters on them (and really they are just alphabet blocks).

Sometime soon a horde of horseman are going to come to defend the castle against the battallion of foot soldiers. Where is the King?

After three days of the king being gone to town (eating everything he could find), he got pretty sick and came back to his fortress. He found a horde of horseman with Orcs on them. There was a big fight going on. Just then, a giant no named thing that I don't even know the name of like a flying dragon comes.

The servants go to throw the letter block boulders at the dragon, but then one fell off and hit the king right on the head. He had a bad day and was put into bed.

The foot soldiers were so scared they ran away and never came back. And all the Orcs are as happy as can be. And they had a giant feast and ate a dozen, or maybe even two dozen, and probably three dozen, pigs.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Indiana Jones

This guy is named Indiana Jones. He is kinda like a cowboy. You can buy movies of him. In the third movie he's lookin' for the Holy Grail. That is a cup that if you drink out of it you will get invincible. He did have a famous zoo train fight once. He gets stuck in a lion cage and he has to whip the lion to get out. Indiana is an archaeologist -- that means he studies ancient objects from history, same as his dad. They were escaping from a Nazi base on a motorcycle with a sidecar. I would recommend these movies. I am very glad that Lego came out with these Indiana Jones sets. I have one set where he is in the sidecar motorcycle getting chased by a Nazi and there is even a checkpoint.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Bombs and Groms

One of The Grom Crew

One of The Bomb Crew

This is a pirate ship that has lots of treasure. It belongs to The Grom crew.

There was a pirate tribe named The Bombs who hid their gold in the sand.

The Bombs did not live at sea.

And a pirate crew named The Groms who liked to live at sea.

One day The Groms went to shore to treasure hunt.

The Bombs lost all their buried treasure to The Groms who were
good diggers.

It turned out they had fifty shovels aboard their ship.

The Groms had to leave fast before The Bombs caught them.

They dropped about 50 coins when they were escaping.

The Bombs felt sad that they lost their treasure to the evil Groms (except a bit).

The Bombs are going to try and make a small ship and chase after them.