
Sunday, September 10, 2006


Greece is a team you can be in Age of Mythology. We've got a Greek hero, that is a wonder. When you're in the last age it takes a lot of stuff to get a Wonder and it also takes a lot of stuff to get a Titan.

I think Greece is some islands and on one island there is Mount Olympus I think. In Greece they eat fruit and Greek cheese, lamb. Yeah, I like Greek food.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

More Age of Mythology

This is a picture from my favorite video game, and those are somebody's allies and they built a castle.

Renaissance Barbarian

This is someone that has a real drinking horn, he's got a real sword and a shield. He was here every other time I went to the Renaissance Faire. He hangs out with me and his barbarian friends. One is big and fat and scared me. One has a big horn on his head. And I don't know the other one.

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Henry the Turkey Slayer

This is a picture of Henry eating a corn cob. He is eating the corn cob in the Renaissance Faire!

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