
Friday, February 01, 2008

Colossal Monsters

This is one of the colossal monsters that lives in the deep ocean where they can't find the bottom. He eats other things that live in the deep. It is a Gombarimam. This monster is 2,000 feet and lives on a cold water jet. Right in the center is a weak spot that shines up. And when it is shining the Gombarimam is vulnerable to anyone.

This is another colossal giant that lives on Mount Olympus. He has a great electrical ring. He used to be a human but the great god Zeus made him into this creature. He fouly pushed someone in the Olympic armor race. The name of him is Gruumhadum. He sometimes turns off his electrical ring and lets his friends get powered up. But for some other people who go to Mount Olympus he doesn't power them up and sometimes they can lose. He is 10,000 feet tall.

This is a colossal squad fish. It mainly goes in groups. Those groups are usually groups of ten. You may not see them because they are too far deep for you to hold your breath long enough. If they come up to shore you might see them. They have very spiky sides. Otherwise they are smooth. They usually try to attack big fish like sharks and whales. They often times try to avoid Gombarimams. They try to hide little fish from the sharks in their spikes. Their spikes can be smoothed out like wings to hide little fish. The smallest they can get is 20 feet. The largest they can get is 100 feet.


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